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JUST FOR FUN Guest Starring Patti Astor of FUN GALLERY

  • Studio 111 Brooklyn 111 Conselyea Street Brooklyn, NY, 11211 United States (map)

Original works by Pierre Jean Baptiste, Ronald Bianco, Danny Cortes, Ori Carino, COSE, DELTA 2, Al Diaz, DUKE9, Julian Gardair, Joseph Guillette, Rich Fie, Tim Kent, Valeri Larko, Hayley Martell, Mike Mills, Amy Regalia, Judy Rifka, Leia Sands, Michael Saviello, Albert Scambati, SNAKE1, Jim Tozzi, Eric Orr, Omar Villegas & Melanie Vote



Friday, May 20th, 6pm-9pm

JUST FOR FUN Exhibition - Opening Night!

Special Guest Patti Astor

Guest DJ - SNAKE1 

with Buddy (One Off / UVS)


Saturday, May 21st, 12pm-7pm

JUST FOR FUN Exhibition - Open House!



Special Guest Appearance by PATTI ASTOR 


*Documentary Premiere

 ‘Patti Astor's True Story’

Plus a retrospective of Patti’s classic 80’s films

DJ - Buddy (One Off / UVS)

Q&A and Reception


Sunday, May 22nd, 12pm-7pm

JUST FOR FUN Exhibition - Open House!


@ 3pm: Legends Rooftop Paint Off 

DELTA2, SNAKE1 & Friends

Curated by Jim Muscarella

Created by Mike Mills and Jim Muscarella


Earlier Event: October 1
Gold In Our Souls